Five Kinds of Web Hosting to Choose From for Your Website

website monitoring serviceA website of any sort needs a web hosting service to reach the visitors. When choosing a web hosting service for your site, make sure to know all your requirements and limitations. Because some services may not meet your site requirements. To know which type of web hosting service is suitable to your domain you need to know all types of web hosting.

Free hosting
Generally free hosting is suitable for personal blogs or websites. No need to pay for this type of domain hosting, here you don’t get a personal domain name. It is supported by ads, so it does not look professional. For online businesses like e-commerce sites, it is not recommended because the free domains are not having the capacity to host a high-traffic site, which takes a lot of bandwidth.

Shared hosting
Shared hosting involves multiple number of websites share space on a single web server. Shared hosting is easy to use and run. In shared hosting, the space is used by multiple number of websites. As the server space is shared by many websites, the cost is less when compared to dedicated web hosting.

Shared hosting involves many websites hosted on the same server. It distributes the same amount of bandwidth to all of the other sites. It is not recommended for high traffic sites. And also if any of the website gets high traffic, affects the other sites.

Virtual dedicated hosting
Virtual dedicated hosting is useful if you are planning to control on your resources. It facilitates to have SSL certificate for your site and software of the kind you need. You can have all this without having to have physical dedicated server.

monitoring serviceDedicated hosting
In dedicated hosting, you get full space and all of its resources of a single server. It is mainly used if you are doing for a site that has high volume of traffic. You should choose dedicated hosting, if you own an e-commerce site as it is likely that it gets a large amount of traffic even though it is not uniform over a certain period, say a month or a quarter of a year. Dedicated hosting makes your website secure for your business, and your customers protecting their data.

Cloud hosting
This type of hosting associated with cloud technology involving use of virtual servers. Cloud hosting offers the option to enable your website to grow or traffic may increase more than it is expandable. You need to pay only for bandwidth as much as you use.
In addition, as cloud hosting involves multiple servers, if any of them goes down, you site might be little affected because of the other servers.
Cloud hosting is suitable for websites involving huge data and traffic, for example gaming sites.