Effects of Teeth and Jaw Bone Loss

Dental elements not only affects your oral health, but also affects your facial appearance. Many people think of the tooth structure and its color when considering the dental issues. However, there are many other things like teeth and jaw bone which are important for dental health. Teeth are embedded in a jaw bone attached through a root structure. Based on the location and size of the tooth, it varies in shape, size and complexity. The root structure is stimulated by activities like biting and chewing. The bone to which the root is attached to is in turn stimulated by it.

Loss of jaw and teeth bone may cause many health-related and appearance-related effects. Certain side-effects like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or jaw pain, headaches and sinus expansion are observed with loss of teeth and jaw bone. It may even cause difficulty in communication. Drifting or misalignment and over-eruption of the remaining teeth may also be seen.

Certain changes like additional tooth problems like tooth loosening and loss may be caused which changes the appearance. Reduced lip support and collapsed facial profile are also seen with teeth and jaw bone loss. Some of the facial features get distorted and even wrinkles on skin around the mouth increases. It is necessary to preserve or rebuild the bone that has been lost before replacing a lost tooth with any dental restoration appliances.


Updated: March 18, 2017 — 2:57 am