Category: Science

All about Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology talks about widely to a field of science and the technology applied that subject of the unification is the control of the matter in the atomic and molecular scale, normally 1 to 100 nanometers, and to the manufacture of devices with the dimensions critics that lie with in that range of the size. It […]

Mechatronics at a Glimpse

Mechatronics was invented by Mr. Tetsuro Mori, a senior engineer of the Japanese company Yaskawa, in 1969. Mechatronics is the mixture of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and software engineering. The reason of this interdisciplinary engineering field is the study of automata from an engineering viewpoint and serves the purposes of controlling advanced hybrid systems. The […]

The Famous Einstein’s Formula

Many of us know about Einstein. He is such a famous scientist having proposed so many theories and so many patents. His energy mass relation formula is as famous as him. These days it is a fashion to have T-shirts with Einstein’s equation, E=mc2, carved on it. There is a pop album released recently on […]

Symptoms Of a Infected Computer

The infections, viruses and hacking are a different world of computers. These days the number of people entering into this, for hobby or profession, is growing. You don’t have to worry about professionals because they hack only systems of big or crucial organizations. But we have a problem with hobby hackers. You never know, you […]