Microsoft is releasing Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla is into releasing Fennec and Google into New beta of Chrome browser. With all these big browsers with big brands entering into the market, a question arises how safe are they?
You know how hacking has become a serious problem. Amid of these it is not only viable to use the older browsers but also to use the newer ones’ without knowing their security levels.
When Microsoft was marketing its new Internet Explorer 8, the main features it lauded of were ActiveX lockdowns, Automatic crash recovery, InPrivate browsing and Filtering, XSS filter, Data Execution Detection, etc. The words are big, but did not work when they actually had to. It was hacked within few minutes, in 10th annual CanSecWest Conference. So you know the new IE 8, with all its big security features, is still vulnerable. And the vulnerability is said to increase by adding new add-ons to the browser.
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