Vitamin B6: Function, Sources, Consequences of Deficiency and Toxicity

Vitamin B6 helps for many body functions that includes, the maintenance of brain and nervous system, immune system, cell metabolism, helps in the formation of red blood cells, prevents skin problems like acne, hemoglobin synthesis, it also assists in reducing depression, stress.

The foods containing vitamin B6 are fish, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables like broccoli, spinach, asparagus, potatoes, turnip greens, green peas and also from banana, sunflower seeds, chicken, turkey, poultry, fortified cereals, corn, Brussels sprouts, soy beans, cashew nuts, mushrooms etc.

The risk of deficiency is more when not consumed in sufficient amounts in diet. And the deficiency symptoms include fatigue, weakness, depression, dermatitis (problems related to skin), confusion, malaise, anemia, neurological symptoms.

Deficiency of vitamin B6 leads to the damage of nervous system, mucous membranes, brain system, blood circulation system, damages the skin causing skin problems.

People who smoke and those who are under medication may also need to consume more vitamin B6 as they will be considered under deficiency.

Excess consumption of vitamin B6 food is also not recommended as it may lead to some other problems like nerve damage.

The toxicity of vitamin B6 is found in case it is consumed in large doses as supplements. However, toxicity does not occur because of the vitamin in natural food sources. Although it is a water-soluble vitamin and can be eliminated or destroyed through urine, excess of vitamin B6 storage leads to neurological problems.

Vitamin B6 can also be obtained from supplements containing B-Complex vitamins or B6 alone vitamin if not able to obtain from food sources.

Updated: December 18, 2013 — 11:58 pm