Best Vitamins for Men and Recommended Daily Intake

Vitamins play a vital role for healthy functioning of the body and to protect our self from fighting against diseases. It is important to consume all the essential vitamins of a considerable amount on a daily basis.

Vitamin A boosts the immune system and helps to maintain a proper vision. It stimulates the production of testosterone and also maintains reproductive health. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Vitamin A for men is 900 mcg.

Vitamin C decreases the risk of heart diseases such as cancer and also reduces the risk of lung cancer in men. It helps to boost the energy levels. The RDA of Vitamin C for men is 90 mg.

Vitamin D is essential for enhancing male virility, absorbs calcium and improves bone growth. The RDA of Vitamin D for men is 15 mg.

Vitamin E maintains healthy blood vessels and useful for men with low sperm count. The RDA of Vitamin E for men is 15 mg. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. Useful for men having diabetes. The RDA of vitamin K for men is 120 mcg.

Vitamin B1 boosts metabolism and increases energy levels in men. The recommended intake is 1.18mg.Vitamin B3 also called as Niacin, is essential for regulating cholesterol levels and promotes growth of healthy skin and hair. The recommended intake is 16 mg.

Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid provides healthy cell growth in the body. The recommended daily intake is 5mg.

Vitamin B9 can reduce the risk of cancer in men. The recommended daily intake is 400 mcg.

Vitamin B6 makes healthy blood cells and breaks down proteins in the body. The recommended daily intake for men is 1.7 mg.

Updated: October 29, 2014 — 5:22 am