Information to be Shared with your Childcare Provider

Today’s lifestyle is so busy that there is no chance even to take care of our children. A family where both the parents are working are facing difficulty in their child care. Hiring a childcare provider has become a necessity for those families. This has increased the business of providing child caregivers like babysitters, nannies, au pairs, and many others. Many professional agencies or institutions provide quality child caregivers for the families. However, it is the duty of the parents to maintain proper relation with them and get the work done.

The childcare provider can only do her job if your provide accurate and enough information regarding the duties. Here is some information that you need to provide her for an efficient and perfect childcare without any place for issues.

  • Give yours and your guardian’s contact information. Also provide the emergency contact information to be needed at the time of emergencies.
  • The details of past medical history of the child have to be shared with her. Tell her about the allergies or any other current medication details that the child is associated with. In case, the child suddenly feels ill, it should not be confusing for the caregiver.
  • The likes, dislikes, and hobbies of a child can also be a helpful information for her.
  • Give her proper guidelines of discipline techniques to be followed.
  • Provide her the information regarding the food preferences and feeding schedule. Also give her the details on the bedtime or nap routines of the child.
  • Mention the list of restricted activities that are not to be encouraged by the children.

Providing this information to the childcare provider is helpful. It makes her duties easy. All the information should be shared with her on the day of her joining itself. It is also good if you mention all these at the time of writing a contract. This avoids any misunderstanding between you and the caregiver.

Updated: December 19, 2013 — 12:09 am