How to Prevent Drug Abuse in Teens?

Teen drug abuse is a major concern for parents these days. Teens get attracted to drug use by peer pressure and many other reasons. It is important for parents to check the substance drug abuse and immediately take necessary action to prevent it. Here are some tips for parents to prevent teenage drug abuse.

  • Always try to be with your teen when any bad situation arises. It is because, it is in those situations that the teens get depressed and may get addicted to drugs.
  • Most of the teenagers are addicted to drugs by being in the company of drug abusers. So better make it sure that you know your teen’s friends and their behavior or character in school and society.
  • Be connected to your teens after school hours. Make sure that he is kept busy during this time with some extracurricular activity. This could be helpful for improving the both physical and mental strength.
  • Ensure that you track the educational record of teens from their school regularly. Also make them know that you are going through their activities at school. Encourage them when they are really doing well.
  • Parents should be a role model for their kids. Make you teens understand strong family beliefs against using drugs.
  • You should take a careful and an active interest on the deeds of you teens. Most of the teens get addicted to drugs when they feel that they are cared by no one.
  • Discuss with your teens about the dangerous health effects of drug abuse.
  • You need to enhance self-esteem in you teens. Those with positive self-esteem get motivated to be well responsible and hence are less likely to consume drugs.

In addition, check the symptoms and signs of drug abuse in teens that include poor work performance, hyperactivity, reduced memory, drastic weight loss and anxiety. Use home drug test kits for checking if they had taken drugs. Take them to certain educational programs which make people aware of the effects of drug addiction.

Updated: December 3, 2013 — 3:10 am