Insurance Tailored For Small Businesses

Business insurance means managing risk among the many business owners. In business insurance, the insurance companies take premium payment from the businesses. And the insurance company invests those amounts and generates pool of money. And that generated money will be paid to the uncovered businesses. The main concept involved in the business insurance is Management of Risk.

Financial loss is the serious threat for the small businesses. Operating a small business is challenging task. There are some of the small business insurance solutions, which reduce the risk in the business.

The solutions are:

Business Owner’s Package: The BOP or Business Owner Package is a less expensive policy for small and medium businesses. The policy covers, the property of business that is building, equipment and inventory. BOP policy does not cover earthquakes, floods, worker’s compensation and group health insurance.

Accounts Receivable (AR) Insurance: This policy protects the company against bad debts and customer insolvency. The AR Insurance is Tax deductible.

Commercial Auto Insurance: Commercial auto insurance gives protection to the business vehicles and drivers.

Entrepreneur’s Business Insurance Package: The Business Insurance Package covers fire damage, accidental damage. And also provides protection to the business properties.

Updated: October 30, 2015 — 1:39 am